Combat Stick
Manufacturer: none - home built
Engine: .40 Super Tigre (2 Stroke)
Span: 48 in.
Length: 48 in.
The Combat Stick is one of my favorite planes to fly. It is incredibly aerobatic (can to 5 rolls/ sec on high rates) and yet very stable at low speeds. I have set it up so that I can switch it from floats to standard gear in just a couple of minutes. If you are wondering why it is so UGLY, it is because of the way I fly it. This plane gets crashed almost every time I fly it. My favorite thing to do is inverted touch and goes. I will make an inverted pass over the runway and try to touch the top of the tail to the grass. If done correctly, it is great fun to watch and quite a rush. If done just a little wrong, it is a great chance to practice your repair skills. I plan to try an inverted touch and go at this years Float-fly, I will post how that works out.